Plot Character
First Plot Point The conflict that’s been brewing through Act 1 officially begins, and your plot has reached a point of no return. Your character makes a major decision, the first sign that they may be able to overcome the flaws they've been suffering from in Act 1.
Midpoint The characters find what they believe will be the key to defeating the antagonist thanks to a major success, marking a turning point in their quest. Your character reaches a turning point, learning a secret they believe will help them achieve their goals (though they won't truly succeed without overcoming their flaws!)
Third Plot Point What they thought would win the fight for them ends up a lie, and your characters stand on the brink of defeat; even the reader is unsure if they'll triumph. What they thought would lead to success ends up being a sham, and their old flaws come back to haunt them, threatening to destroy their hard won progress.
Climax Your cast much use all of their skills and knowledge in the final conflict against the antagonist determining the fate ofthe plot. Here, your character will need to prove their personal growth to succeed, or fail to do so and lose against the antagonist.
Resolution Here, your characters have won or lost and will get to see the effects of their actions on the story world. Finally your character can reflect on their personal growth; they're a different person than they were at the start of this adventure.